Wednesday, June 24, 2009

24 City

"Let's hang out, weld things, and read Andrei's review of 24 City over at Spectrum Culture!"

What a great idea, you guys!

Seeing The Hurt Locker tonight for the site, looking forward to that.

Toying with the possibility of turning this into a massive feature, also, I guess I'm posting that here to psyche myself up a little bit.

I saw John Boulting's Brighton Rock the other day at Film Forum, it's a British noir from '47, starring Richard Attenborough. I don't quite have it in me to write a full piece on it, but let me just say that it's well worth seeking out. Really cut-throat and vicious, the way noirs ought to be, and a good bit more unhinged than American ones were allowed to be at the time - not thematically, but:

u kno. And look at Attenborough's face, man! It's wild-looking, kind of mystifying. His performance in this is really out of sight, between seeing this and Jules Dassin's unbelievable Night and the City earlier this year, I'm really into the idea of seeking out more noirs by UK filmmakers or (cause I know Dassin's not a Brit you guys!) at least set out there.

Alright, we'll speak soon.


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